
I'm Addicted

Ok, so I must admit that just a few short months ago I had no idea what the concept of a blog was. People posting their thoughts and pics on the Internet for all to see? Weird. But after becoming a frequent reader to several, I must admit- I'm addicted. Instead of using the time after my kids go to bed to do fun mommy stuff like laundry, dishes, and bills, I park my butt (oops, sorry, Austin, I mean biscuits) in front of the computer and catch up on everyone's daily happenings.
I knew that it was time to start blogging when I'd catch myself thinking of what I would write on my blog if I had one for say when, Lexi grunted out a half dozen rabbit turds in the tub the other night while my husband was "supervising" and how they went unnoticed until I returned to do washing duties.
If not for anything else, I figured this would be a fun way to journal our life. Maybe the kids can go back one day and reminisce on all of the crazy fun memories. My mom was watching Jay Leno the other night and he had Jerry Seinfeld on as a guest. My mom said Jerry (talking about his own three kids) said life in a home with three kids is like someone turning on a blender without putting the top on first (probably not an exact quote, but you get it, don't you?). I don't think I could have said it better myself. This is our life, welcome to Hosmerville!


Julie said...

OH MY GOSH!!! I am sooooo surprised you actually did it! Maria has a blog!!! YEAH!!!!!! I can't wait to read it!

Leslie Collins said...

Yeah!!!!! Looks awesome. My only advice would be to go into your settings and change that you want comments from more than just people who have google accounts. A lot of people don't have them, but would still like to comment. If you want to, that is.

Have a great weekend!!!!

Me said...

Hi honey! It's Beth :) So cool that another person I actually know with a blog :D Can't wait to keep up with you guys now!

Nicole said...

YAY! Keep on posting. I'll be checking in to read/